Team members come and go... External consultants change...
Whatever the reason there will be times you need to disable a requestor from being on your account.
We don't delete users as then we would lose all their previous data but by disabling they will be unable to log in to the portal or request tasks on your behalf while maintaining all their previous data in your account.
Here's how:
Step 1. Log In To Your Web Portal
Step 2. Click on Settings
*Note if you are unable to access this settings page, it means the user you are logged in with is not the Account owner with Administrator rights.
Step 3. Find the list of Requestors on your account
Step 4. On the requestor you wish to Disable, click on the X and Select Disable
Congrats the user is now disabled.
NOTE: If the user/requestor is also added onto your website for back end access, make sure to email our Support Team [email protected] to have the access revoked.