Every task you send in that meets our criteria of a task is classified as a "Standard" task.
These tasks are prioritised and worked on based on a number of factors including:
- Time required to complete - we try to action what we call quick wins (less than 15 minutes to do) same day whenever possible
- Where your task sits in the queue around other clients tasks for a specific team (Web Team, Automation Team, Design Team, Security Team) based on 2 factors
- Primarily calculated on the time the task was sent in - a first come, first done basis.
- Secondarily it's calculated by the average response time target for the Concierge Plan you are on. The faster your response time target the higher in our priority queue you'll be.
So what does this mean in real scenarios?
Let's say your plan has an Active Task Limit of 3 and you have sent in 3 tasks in the following order.
Task #1 is a task for the Web Team
Task #2 is a task for the Automation Team
Task #3 is also a task for the Automation Team
This doesn't mean that they'll be completed in the order of 1 through to 3.
Why not?
Task #3 is a small task that is actionable within around 5 minutes, what we call a quick win, so it get's assigned and completed first.
The Automation Team at the time your task was reviewed had a low work load or most tasks in front of yours were waiting for clients to reply to be able to continue so they start on your Task #2 right away.
The Web Team have a number of tasks in front of yours and they start to work on Task #1 just as the Automation Team mark Task #2 as resolved.
How can I have a task treated as a Priority?
If there is a task that you want actioned with a higher priority you can purchase a Priority Pass Upgrade on that task.
Priority Pass Upgrades don't guarantee a completion time but they do guarantee a faster start on your task no matter what base subscription plan you are on.
How can I have all my tasks treated as a Priority?
Priority Passes are on a per task basis however you can consider upgrading to a higher plan level with a faster average response time target than your current plan if you'd like all your tasks to be treated with a higher priority than you currently get, or better yet, avail of our Speedboost add-on essentially upgrading all your tasks to a higher priority with with faster turn around times.